Move Administer Version 1606 Released


Move Administer version is officially released today.

History of Changes (1599 to 1606)


CHANGE: Matching Customer browse no longer stores its previous location and now displays in the centre of the screen
CHANGE: Matching Prospect browse no linger stores its previous location and now display in the centre of the screen

CHANGE: For BAR members only – The full BAR ‘Cooling-Off Period’ wording will now print on your Quotations, always (for domestic clients), as long as you have this setting checked in the defaults, which is checked by default (Tools -> Options -> Defaults -> Trading Companies -> Open -> Stationery Tab) – Please note that you can change this on a per trading company basis
CHANGE: For BAR members only – The full BAR ‘Cooling-Off Period’ wording will now print on your Acceptances, always (for domestic clients), as long as you have this setting checked in the defaults, which is checked by default (Tools -> Options -> Defaults -> Trading Companies -> Open -> Stationery Tab) – Please note that you can change this on a per trading company basis
CHANGE: For Non-BAR members only – The ‘Cooling-Off Period’ wording is now configurable and will only print if you have this setting checked in the defaults (and I have your stationery printing it – contact me if you don’t have this printed but want it please!), which is checked by default (Tools -> Options -> Defaults -> Trading Companies -> Open -> Stationery Tab), and it is relevant to the situation – Please note that you can change this on a per trading company basis

FIX: When a copy invoice is produced and the account balance is set to show the balance is now retrieved rather than being shown as zero – Apologies!!!

FIX: When a Storage Accruals report included storage with a future start date the storage job now only shows once on the report
ADDITION: You can now get a list of conventional items currently in store (Reports -> Storage -> Conventional Items)
ADDITION: You can now get a claims history report based on a date range (File -> Register -> Claims -> Actions -> Print Claim History Report)

ADDITION: You can now export the sales information to a .CSV file compatible with QuickBooks – contact me for further information if you require this please

Additional Modules

Archive Administer
CHANGE: Made some slight modifications to the Activity report to make it more readable

Shipping Administer
CHANGE: European Quotations are now assigned the Zero Rated tax code set in the Accounting Defaults (Tools -> Options -> Defaults -> Accounting -> General Tab)

Survey Administer
CHANGE: When importing a Survey for a European move the European Quotation is now assigned the Zero Rated tax code (see above)

TABLES: Trader


Move Administer Version 1599 Released

Posted by Colin Wynn on Aug 13, 2020 in Move Administer, Product Update

Move Administer version is officially released today.

History of Changes (1598 to 1599)

Move Administer


FIX: Email HTML content now has its character set to ‘iso-8859-1’ and its Transfer Encoding to ‘quoted-printable’, just like the Plain Text content has always had
FIX: When emailing from the Self-Storage/Storage invoice runs all generated PDF’s are now deleted once the email has been sent
FIX: Adding images with a space within the filename no longer displays an error message when you try to Send or Save
FIX: Emailing images from a folder name with a space in it now displays correctly on the recipients Email Client rather than as a missing file with a full ‘invalid’ path to the file


Move Administer Version 1598 Released

Posted by Colin Wynn on Jun 23, 2020 in Move Administer, Product Update

Move Administer version is officially released today.

History of Changes (1592 to 1598)

Move Administer

ADDITION: The new Email editor is now in place – Hoorar!!!
CHANGE: The icons on the Letter editor now match the one on the new Email editor for consistency
CHANGE: The icons on the SMS editor now match the one on the new Email editor for consistency

CHANGE: Move Administer can now export to Sage 200, the Enterprise version of Sage Accounts


Move Administer Version 1592 Released


Move Administer version is officially released today.

History of Changes (1587 to 1592)

Move Administer

ADDITION: Crew Covid Requirements has been added to the Survey tab of the Quotation Wizard allowing you to provide text which is printed on the crewsheet
ADDITION: A Covid tab has been added to the Quotation Wizard allowing you to provide information which is printed on the Quotation & Acceptance after the Included/Excluded sections – Only for dynamic layouts!

ADDITION: You can now access Storage tokens from within SMS Correspondence by linking a Storage job

CHANGE: Marking exported activity to Sage as unmarked is now much quicker

CHANGE: The Storage Accruals Report now allows you to include future new storage jobs, so basically any new storage job with a start store date greater or equal to the date you supply from the criteria window (Reports -> Accounting -> Storage Accruals)
CHANGE: The Storage Accruals Criteria Window now has a checkbox to include future new storage jobs on the Storage Accruals Report, which is checked by default
CHANGE: The Payments Report now shows which payments are unallocated by placing a ‘*’ between the CustomerID and Method columns (Reports -> Accounting -> Payments)

CHANGE: Survey Options now allows you to provide text for Crew Covid Requirements and Covid Information (Tools -> Options -> Removal -> Survey)
CHANGE: Survey Options Form has been made bigger to cater for more text

FIX: Digital Code Signing Certificate has been renewed and libraries now signed again
ADDITION: You can now print the availability directly from the Event Diary

Additional Modules

Self Storage Administer
FIX: If a Self Storage Job has no invoice run date and the start date is before the date supplied from the criteria window then the report calculates the accrual amount from the date supplied rather than the self storage start date
FIX: When you end storage on a self storage job you started where you chose to invoice at least a full month’s storage then the additional month is now credited
CHANGE: The Self Storage Accruals Report now allows you to include future new self storage jobs, so basically any new self storage job with a start store date greater or equal to the date you supply on the criteria window (Reports -> Accounting -> Self Storage Accruals)
CHANGE: The Self Storage Accruals Criteria Window now has a checkbox to include future new self storage jobs on the Self Storage Accruals Report, which is checked by default
ADDITION: You can now access Self Storage tokens from within SMS Correspondence by linking a Self Storage job

Shipping Adminster
ADDITION: A Covid tab has been added to the Trade Quotation Wizard allowing you to provide information which is printed on the Trade Quotation after the Included/Excluded sections CHANGE: Trade Quotations are now a dynamic layout rather than just a fixed single page

TABLES: Trade, Quotation, Audit


Move Administer Version 1587 Released

Posted by Colin Wynn on Nov 11, 2019 in Move Administer, Product Update, Self Store Administer

Move Administer version is officially released today.

History of Changes (1584 to 1587)

Move Administer

You can now Query Empty Containers (Tools -> Query -> Storage -> Empty Containers)

The column Address6 has now been removed from the TwentyCI prospect import
CHANGE: The BAR Terms & Conditions, both Insurance & Liability are now October 2019 versions

Additional Modules

Self Storage Administer
You can now Query Empty Units (Tools -> Query -> Self Storage -> Empty Units)


Move Administer Version 1584 Released

Posted by Colin Wynn on May 13, 2019 in Archive Administer, Move Administer, Product Update, Self Store Administer

Move Administer version is officially released today.

History of Changes (1578 to 1584)

Move Administer

: The customer browse no longer allows sorting by clicking on the column headers, instead there is now a combo to the left of the yellow locator text box – You will find this on a few of the browses now, such as Corporate, Corporate Customer, Internet, Baggage, etc.
CHANGE: The customer browse now shows only Active customers, until you click on the Archived checkbox in the bottom left, which when checked will only show Archived customers, unlike previously where it would show Archived with Active, therefore all. This change, together with the relevant table changes now provides a massive speed increase to those that are archiving customers on a regular basis – You will also find this on the Corporate, Corporate Customer, Internet & Baggage browses

: Invoice run will only process Active customers

: When importing an email address that has been given more than one email, therefore separated by a semicolon, no customer name will be imported. So ‘Mr C Wynn ‘, which didn’t work, will now simply become ‘colin@movea.co.uk;support@movea.co.uk’
CHANGE: Mass production of letters will only be for Active Customers and Corporates

: Mass printing of statements will only be for Active Customers and Corporates

: You can now export prospects using the Export Wizard (Actions -> Export Prospects)
ADDITION: You can now export prospects to iMail (Actions -> Export Prospects to imail), see www.imailprint.co.uk for further information or call 02477 711 400 (ext. 5249) and speak with Scott Simpson for further information
CHANGE: Mass emailing of Baggage and/or Internet enquiries is now only for Active enquiries
CHANGE: Archive Customers now only processes Active Customers

Additional Modules

Archive Administer
: Activity report now shows the Street of Address

Self Storage Administer
: Querying Occupied Units now works as expected
CHANGE: Invoice run will only process Active customers

: Baggage, Corporate, Customer, Internet


Move Administer & GDPR

Posted by Colin Wynn on Jun 4, 2018 in Move Administer, Product Update


Move Administer & GDPR

Version now contains some new features that will ‘assist’ you regarding GDPR which came into effect on May 25th. They are, the option to Print a Subject Access Report and to Anonymise data.

The Subject Access Request will show all *personal data held together with where this *personal data may also exist as in notepads and correspondence.

Anonymise will remove all *personal data (apart from names which will be replace by the Id), and where any *personal data exists within notepads and correspondence it will be hashed (#####) rather than removed.

*Personal data in this document is classed as name, address and communication (telephone, email, VoIP).

From the Actions menu of the Internet Browse you have the option to ‘Print Subject Access Request’ and ‘Anonymise’ the highlighted Internet Enquiry.

The Subject Access Request will show:
•    Personal data from the Internet Enquiry.
•    Personal data from Email Correspondence (ToEmail, CCEmail).
•    All personal data that exists within the Internet Enquiry Notepad.
•    A list of all Email Correspondence, highlighting all personal data that exists within the Correspondence.
•    A list of all Email Logs.

Anonymising will:
•    Clear personal data from the Internet Enquiry.
•    Hash all personal data that exists within the Internet Enquiry Notepad.
•    Hash all personal data that exists within the Email Correspondence.
•    Hash all personal data that exists within the Email Log(s).
•    Set the Internet Enquiry to Archived!

As Internet.

From the Actions menu of the Customer Browse you have the option to ‘Print Subject Access Request’ and ‘Anonymise’ the highlighted Customer.

The Subject Access Request will show:
•    Personal data from the Customer.
•    Personal data from Enquiry(s).
•    Personal data from Appointment(s).
•    Personal data from Quotation(s).
•    Personal data from Event(s).
•    Personal data from Consignment(s).
•    Personal data from Correspondence (ToEmail, CCEmail, Mobile).
•    All personal data that exists within the Customer Notepad.
•    Personal data from Account Option Defaults (Bank Account Name & Number).
•    All personal data that exists in the Account Option Sales Text and/or Notepad.
•    All personal data that exists within the Enquiry Notepad.
•    All personal data that exists within the Appointment Directions.
•    Personal data from Inventory (UBM & Service Number – Agility only).
•    All personal data that exists within the Inventory Notepad, Comments and/or Declaration.
•    All personal data that exists within the Quotation Packing Requirements, Wrapping Requirements, Special Instructions, Dismantling Requirements, Items Not To Move, Risk Assessment, Method Statement, Scheduling Requirements, Notepad, Included and/or Excluded.
•    All personal data that exists within the Risk Assessment, Risk Hazard and/or Risk Recommendation.
•    All personal data that exists within the Storage Quotation Included and/or Excluded.
•    All personal data that exists within the Event Instructions.
•    All personal data that exists within the Consignment Transit Notepad, Origin Agent Notepad, Destination Agent Notepad and/or Instructions.
•    All personal data that exists within the Claim Details.
•    All personal data that exists within the Complaint and/or Resolution.
•    All personal data that exists within the Follow-Up Notepad.
•    A list of Repository Documents.
•    A list of all Correspondence, highlighting all personal data that exists within the Correspondence.
•    A list of Email Logs.
•    A list of SMS Logs.

Anonymising will:
•    Clear personal data from the Customer.
•    Hash all personal data that exists within the Customer Notepad.
•    Clear personal data from Account Option Defaults and hash Sale Text and Notepad.
•    Clear personal data from Enquiry(s) and hash Notepad.
•    Clear personal data from Appointment(s) and hash Directions.
•    Clear personal data from Quotation(s) and hash Packing Requirements, Wrapping Requirements, Special Instructions, Dismantling Requirements, Items Not To Move, Risk Assessment, Method Statement, Scheduling Requirements, Notepad, Included and Excluded.
•    Hash all personal data that exists within Risk Assessment.
•    Clear personal data that exists within Storage Quotation and hash Included and Excluded.
•    Clear personal data that exists within Event(s) and hash Instructions.
•    Clear personal data that exists within Consignment(s) and hash Transit Notepad, Origin Agent Notepad, Destination Agent Notepad and Instructions.
•    Hash any personal data that exists within Claim(s).
•    Hash any personal data that exists within Complaint(s).
•    Clear personal data from Inventory(s) and hash Notepad, Comments and Declaration.
•    Hash any personal data that exists within Follow-Up(s).
•    Hash any personal data that exists within the Correspondence.
•    Hash any personal data that exists within the Email Log(s).
•    Hash any personal data that exists within the SMS Log(s).
•    Set the Customer to Archived!

Email Logs
From the Actions menu of the Email Logs (Tools -> Email Log) you have the option to Anonymise Deleted Internet/Baggage Enquiry Email Logs. These options will process the Email Log and will hash the recipient and email address of any Internet/Baggage email log where the Internet/Baggage Enquiry has been deleted.

•    Subject Access Request and Anonymise is only available for individuals, therefore, if a Company name exists then the options are disabled.
•    When anonymising a Customer that has accounting activity then the name will not be replaced by the Id.
•    If any notepad/correspondence contains personal information that are not in specific Customer/Internet/Baggage fields then these will remain and will be your responsibility to remove/hash.
•    The contents of Repository Documents cannot be checked; therefore, this will be your responsibility to view/edit/remove these.
•    If an Internet/Baggage Enquiry has been converted to a Customer you will need to Anonymise the Customer too.
•    Addresses will not be removed. If all other personal data has been cleared then keeping an address is only identifying a location rather than an individual, which means that analytical data can still be gathered in the future (Move Administer 2), but more importantly when taking a new enquiry Move Administer can still identify if the customer already exists on the system, even though no personal details exist, but then you are taking these again at the time of enquiry 😊


Move Administer Version 1578 Released

movea500x500.pngMove Administer version is officially released today.

History of Changes (1575 to 1578)

Move Administer

: *You can print a Subject Access Request from the Actions menu of the Customer Browse
ADDITION: *You can Anonymise a Customer from the Actions menu of the Customer Browse

: When checking to see if the destination address is in the Prospect database it now also checks the postal code if it finds a match on the street
ADDITION: *You can print a Subject Access Request from the Actions menu of the Internet Enquiries Browse
ADDITION: *You can Anonymise a Customer from the Actions menu of the Internet Enquiries Browse

: A spelling/type on some acceptance forms regarding the BAR Code of Practice – apologies

: Card Tab and therefore card details from Customer & Corporate Receipt/Refund windows
REMOVE: Primary & Secondary Tabs from Customer Account Default Options Wizard
REMOVE: Primary & Secondary Card details from Payment Sheet

: Card Details from Payments Report (Reports -> Accounting -> Payments)
ADDITION: Current time has been added to the Container Activity report

: Request Card Details and Request CVV from Payment Methods (Tools -> Options -> Accounting -> Payment Methods)

: New Seasonal Planner for 2018 (Tools -> Options -> Removal -> Costing -> Seasonal Variances -> Actions -> Import Seasonal Variances)
REMOVE: All cryptography libraries that were used to encrypt and decrypt credit/debit card numbers
ADDITION: *You can Anonymise Email Logs for Internet/Baggage Enquiries that have been deleted from the Actions menu of the Email Logs Browse (Tools -> Email Log)
ADDITION: New security doors for GDPR features
NOTE: After consultation with BAR HQ the new Website URL to the Code of Practice is now simply http://www.bar.co.uk/codeofpractice which will now always point to the most recent Code of Practice document (Tools -> Options -> Defaults -> Trading Companies -> Open -> Stationery Tab)

Additional Modules

Archive Administer
: You can now print a Duty of Care – Waste Transfer Note for destructions

Self Storage Administer
: Sort order options on Self Storage Occupancy report
CHANGE: Unit List Report* (Reports -> Self Storage -> Unit List) has been reorganised, and shows Floor occupancy statistics
CHANGE: Occupied Units Report (Reports -> Self Storage -> Occupied Units) has been reorganised, and shows Floor occupancy statistics
CHANGE: Empty Units Report (Reports -> Self Storage -> Empty Units) has been reorganised, and shows Floor availability statistics
CHANGE: Unit Activity Report (Reports -> Self Storage -> Unit Activity) has been reorganised – The Flags column can contain a combination of: S (Shared), D (Damaged), A (Alarmed), SA (Suspended Access), O (Overlocked)
ADDITION: Unit Activity report now totals square feet of Occupied and Released units
ADDITION: Current time has been added to the Unit Activity report

Shipping Administer Lite
: *You can print a Subject Access Request from the Actions menu of the Baggage Enquiries Browse
ADDITION: *You can Anonymise a Customer from the Actions menu of the Baggage Enquiries Browse

: LogEmail, LogSMS

* See Move Administer & GDPR.


Move Administer Version 1575 Released

Posted by Colin Wynn on Sep 11, 2017 in Move Administer, Product Update, Self Store Administer

movea500x500.pngMove Administer version is officially released today.

History of Changes (1567 to 1575)

Move Administer

If in Storage Defaults (Tools -> Options -> Defaults -> Storage) ‘Set start date to today on new storage jobs’ was checked and ‘Days into month to automatically check invoice at least a full month’s storage’ contained a value greater than 0 then new storage jobs that start from the number of days into the month now automatically check the ‘Invoice at least a full month’s storage’ on the Invoicing tab of the Storage Wizard

: The Template File for the Spreadsheet Wizard now lets you choose from a .CSV, .XLS & .XLSX files

Additional Modules

Self Storage Administer
: If in Self Storage Defaults (Tools -> Options -> Defaults -> Self Storage) ‘Set start date to today on new self storage jobs’ was checked and ‘Days into month to automatically check invoice at least a full month’s storage’ contained a value greater than 0 then new self storage jobs that start from the number of days into the month now automatically check the ‘Invoice at least a full month’s storage’ on the Invoicing tab of the Self Storage Wizard


Move Administer Version 1567 Released

Posted by Colin Wynn on Jun 27, 2017 in Move Administer, Product Update, Self Store Administer

movea500x500.pngMove Administer version is officially released today.

History of Changes (1554 to 1567)

Move Administer

: If the storage job is set to skip on the invoice run but statements have been checked to print a statement will no longer be printed
ADDITION: You can now set storage jobs to skip the production of a statement during the invoice run, ideal for those customers who pay by Standing Order for example

: The Container Activity report now totals the Occupied, Released and Access activity of the containers

Additional Modules

Self Storage Administer
: If the self storage job is set to skip on the invoice run but statements have been checked to print a statement will no longer be printed
ADDITION: You can now set storage jobs to skip the production of a statement during the invoice run, ideal for those customers who pay by Standing Order for example
CHANGE: The Unit Activity report now totals the Occupied, Released and Access activity of the units
ADDITION: PTI StorLogix Interface is now available, see below

: Storage, SelfStorage, Licensee, SelfStorageDefaults, Unit, AccessSchedule

PTI StorLogix Interface
Available now is our interface to PTI StorLogix, which enables Self Storage Administer to manage your Self Storage while letting the security experts from PTI to manage access to your facility and units. Self Storage Administer can inform StorLogix of access codes, turn alarms on and off, suspend access and enable *PayXpress and/or *EasyCode (*see www.ptisecurity.co.uk for further information), as well as controlling hours of access through the use of our Access Schedules.
For further information and pricing please do not hesitate to contact us.

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